Workshop Key Point Topics
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tHEwILL - jUST bE - Moving forward
Teen Dating - Teen sex
Spiritual Growth
Marriage Divorce
(Sex) Approaching sexual thoughts
Letting go of people, places, things, and ideas
Physical Attraction
Understanding your love language
Authentic Romantic Connections
Self Discovery (Self Honesty)
Understanding relationship boundaries & status
Open communication
Asking and answering uncomfortable questions
Utilizing the “sweet spot” of a relationship
Self-control Self-discipline
History is history. Learn and grow
The beauty of sex
Self-love re-evaluation
Value & making valuable self-investments
Dealing with feelings about their ex-partner
Living a life beyond the relationship
Knowing what to ask God for
Dealing with Anxiety
Approaching uncertainty
Self-value & worth
Ignoring an issue is an issue
Self Correcting
Normal & unnecessary stress
Spiritual enhancement
Creating & maintaining a peaceful environment
The value of zero
The importance of counseling
Identifying the core of hurt
Steps to rebuilding from past hurt
Understanding the reasonable acceptability limits of a person
Understanding vs. being understood
When to say I love you romantically
The power of sound
Custom definition of love and self-love
Understanding your spiritual beliefs
Consequences of emotional decisions
Waking up wisdom
Power over materialistic gestures
Safe sex hacks
Hesitant sex, mental rape, physical consent
Preventive methods for physical and mental unwanted sex
Self-love over romantic love
Relationship transitions
Setting a healing time from a breakup - 3 days, 30 days, 3 months
Soul ties imprinted on the soul - human kryptonite
The power of asking and knowing what to ask
Praying (preying) on the will of others
Identifying and processing unknown reality and false reality
Never say never when you might
Light bulb moments
Life takes time
Releasing, relaxing, receiving, and restarting
Sex Life -The connection between sex life and spiritual life
Finding the root of teen sex addictions
Bouncing back righteously and not proudly
Understanding self-perfection, being the “virtuous,” you
Surviving an emotional fall
Self-glorifying - Self-correction
Utilizing wisdom and not just possessing it
Sex addictions
Understanding soul ties, transfers of energy, and demonic forces
Breaking spiritual connections
Genuinely giving and receiving
Strengths can be downfalls
Overcoming expressed (unexpressed) hurt
Dealing with triggers while healing from hurt
Vindictive usage of knowledge regarding your story
Openly Dating
Surrendering to the transformation of mindset regarding spiritual growth (focusing on core issues of the spirit rather than actions of the flesh)
The requirements of God - Prioritizing spiritual growth (What does God really require from me?)
The BEAUTY of anger
Manifesting the authentic you - Understanding your identity (personality traits, beliefs, values, physical attributes, abilities, aspirations, and other identifiers)
You are the author of your story
The importance of history - Revisit the past to understand the now
Identifying and placing old myths and folktales
Unhealthy & Healthy Generational Traditions
Saying yes to self and saying no to others - self-love
Safety hacks regarding sexual assault
Being “humbly” replaced
Four reasons for healing AFTER a romantic relationship
With me BUT loving them - the residue of their ex
Love vs. Lust
Breaking stubborn mindsets & adopting a new ideology
Allowing God's help & healing - Personal Relationship
Revelation through people, movies, music, memories, etc.
The NOW understanding of church
Understanding “The covenant" - Religion (church covenant, organizational covenants, group covenant, etc.)
Understanding my assignment
The power of knowing “I KNOW.”
Pinpointing low self-esteem due to “feeling” lonely
God is ALWAYS present
Negative seeds that grow up
Childhood memories to adult miseries
Gracing yourself for growth
The danger of normal - Comfort zones
The mental start-over
Hidden truths
Being okay with not knowing
Setbacks due to disobedience - Self-inflicted hurt
Starting a non-profit foundation - MADlife - Manifest A Deliverance Foundation INC.
The Root of Love
Overcoming the fairy tale of family
Baby daddy, baby mama
Being a statistic-data changer
Removing the focus from the unnecessary and to the purposeful
Reshifting focus and accepting the reality regarding people
Respecting the beliefs of others
Spiritual unity in a romantic relationship
Suicide - Suicidal thoughts - Normal people with abnormal moments
The connection between sleeping, healthy eating, and exercising and its effect on decision-making
Health & Wellness - jUST bE nATURALS Products
The power within to heal brokenness
Unintentional hurt of loved ones due to loving the unapproved
Being okay with everyone not being OK
Unity within a blended family
Identifying false & true guilt
Exposing self to self
Talk therapy
Premature request
Knowing when to ask for help
Emotional attachments to people, places, things, and ideas
Medium - Supernatural experiences
Understanding God is God
Becoming “mistake-free.”
Using the arts to heal - Release in the form of the arts
visual arts (architecture, ceramics, drawing, filmmaking, painting. photography, and sculpting),
culinary arts (cooking, chocolate making, and winemaking).
Manifesting unnecessary romantic connections
Prayer of safety from self
True singlehood
Accepting without regret
Unfair judgment of others
Utilizing self-love regarding the expression of hurt (pre-hurt)
The importance of breaks
Allowing love to manifest
Submissive equality
Trusting the process of love
Living in my OK!
Being okay with not believing what you once believed
Respecting Wisdom
The absence of elders in today's society
Starting a business -DONT OVER ME LLC - The vision moving forward
Who are You? I Am….